The contact sync feature allows you to sync your external contacts (Google Contacts, Microsoft, etc.) to Pipedrive, so you can keep all your information in one place.
Setting Up Your Contact Sync
Users must have the ”add people“ and ”add organisations“ permissions enabled to initiate contact sync.
Pipedrive's contact sync works with most major third-party contact providers to keep all your information connected and updated.
To enable the contact sync, go to Settings > Personal preferences > Contact Sync, provide the email address for the contact account you wish to sync into Pipedrive, and click the "Add New Account" button.
Supported Providers:
- Microsoft (Outlook, Live, MSN, Hotmail)
When configuring your contact sync, you can choose which group of contacts to sync with, the direction you would like the sync to operate in, and the visibility settings for those synced contacts when brought into Pipedrive.
- Sync Group: Choose specific segments of your connected contact list to sync to Pipedrive. In your chosen contact partner (like Outlook), these segments may be referred to by other terms, but they will appear under the "Sync Group" dropdown.
- Sync Direction: Decide how Pipedrive handles your information—keeping all information updated in both accounts or keeping your accounts segmented.
Sync Directions
One-way Sync: When contacts are created, updated, or deleted in the connected contact list, those synced contacts will be created, updated, or deleted within Pipedrive. Contacts created in Pipedrive will not be brought over into the connected contact list.
Two-way Sync: When contacts are created, updated, or deleted in the connected contact list, those synced contacts will be created, updated, or deleted within Pipedrive. Similarly, contacts created, updated, or deleted in Pipedrive will be synced to the connected contact list.
Only contacts that you are the owner of in Pipedrive will sync to your provider. Be aware that if two users in your company have the same contact person, it will not be flagged as a duplicate when the sync connects, and both will be created separately.
Contact Visibility
Global admin users will always have visibility to see all contacts.
When choosing the visibility option for your contact sync, you determine which users can view or edit the contacts brought over from your contacts list.
For companies under the Essential and Advanced plans, the following visibility options are available:
- Owners and followers: Only the owner and followers of the synced contacts can view or edit their details.
- Entire company: Any user in the company Pipedrive account can view or edit the details of the synced contacts.
For companies under the Professional plan or higher, the following visibility options are available:
- Owner only: Only the owner of the synced contact can view or edit the details.
- Owner's role: Only users in the same role as the owner can view or edit the details.
- Owner's role and roles below: Users in the same role and roles below the owner can view or edit the details.
- Entire company: Every user in the company Pipedrive account can view or edit the details.
Synced Fields
The following contact fields will be synced between your contacts and your contact provider:
- Name
- Email addresses
- Phone numbers
- Address
- Instant Messengers
- Post address
- Organisation/Company
- Notes
- Birthday/Date of birth
- Job title
- Photo/Picture (one-way sync only, if there is no existing picture in Pipedrive)
The fields for Instant Messengers, Post address, Notes, Birthday/Date of birth, and Job title do not exist by default in Pipedrive and are created when you set up your contact sync. If your contact provider is or Microsoft Office 365, notes will not sync over to Pipedrive.
Once you have set your configurations for your contact sync, click the "Start syncing" button to finalise and begin the sync.
Once a sync is established, returning to Settings > Personal preferences > Contact Sync will show you a dashboard of the information associated with your current sync, including total contacts in sync and a tally of recent additions, updates, or deletions.
If there are contacts that have not yet been synced, you may click the refresh button to force a refresh of the contact sync and update any sync information.
This guide should help you set up and manage contact sync in Pipedrive effectively. For additional support, refer to our support resources or reach out to our team.