When using Pipedrive or navigating the many help guides in the Knowledge Base, you may come across terms you are unfamiliar with or desire clarification on. In those cases, our glossary might prove very helpful!
One-way sync: A sync connection that transfers data from one data source to another.
Two-way sync: A sync connection that transfers data between two data sources.
2FA: An additional log-in requirement (aside from the username/password) designed to add an extra layer of account security. In Pipedrive, 2FA works by sending a verification email to your account email address.
Account: Organisations with at least one won deal. The first time an organisation has a linked deal marked as won, an account will be created for that organisation.
Account settings: Refers to company billing, security, settings, and user management. Access to these settings comes with an admin account; however, this access can also be removed via user management.
Activities: Represent any scheduled action on your part towards the closing of a deal. You can schedule them with your people, organisations, leads, or deals. (e.g., meeting, task, etc.)
Notable activity fields include:
- Last activity date: Shows the date of the last activity marked as done.
- Next activity date: Shows the date of the next activity you scheduled but that is not marked as done yet.
- Update time: The date of the last update made on the item, including new activities created, field updates, moving stages, or any change.
Add-on: A tool that can be purchased in addition to the features available on any given subscription level for added functionality (e.g., LeadBooster, Projects, Campaigns).
Admin user: A user who has full access to all tools, data, and features within a given Pipedrive account. However, a user can be made an admin without access to account settings via user management.
API: Abbreviation for "application programming interface." API connects other tools and services to your Pipedrive account but requires technical knowledge.
API token: A unique identifier that permits access to the API services.
Attendee: One or more people who have received and accepted invitations to a meeting (e.g., Scheduler attendees).
Automation: Uses a trigger and action to perform background tasks without the user having to implement them directly (e.g., Create a deal > add a label).
Bcc: Stands for Blind Carbon Copy. When you place email addresses in the Bcc field of a message, those addresses are invisible to the recipients of the email. Can be used to forward emails to other recipients without making the original recipient aware.
Beta: Refers to a testing phase prior to public release, where a feature is released to a limited number of users to see how it operates and assess whether further adjustments are needed.
Billing: The section of an account where you can view current subscription information like cost and billing frequency, as well as previous invoices. You can also find information about how to close your account or purchase add-ons there.
Browser console: Logs network requests, JavaScript, CSS, as well as security errors, warnings, and messages explicitly logged by JavaScript code. May be requested by support agents when diagnosing slowness or error messages.
B2B: Stands for “Business-to-business” and refers to transactions or business conducted between companies, rather than between a company and an individual consumer.
Call (activity): An activity type used as a placeholder for a scheduled call.
Call (Caller): A call made to a phone number in Pipedrive using either the native Caller tool or an integrated VOIP solution.
Campaigns: A paid add-on that allows you to send email marketing campaigns to your Pipedrive contacts without the need for an additional marketing platform.
Campaign performance report: Within the Insights tool, a report specifically designed to show data related to existing campaigns.
Chatbot drop-off analysis: A tool within the Chatbot feature used to reflect which points in a scripted conversation respondents are likely to disconnect.
Closed: An account’s status after the cancellation process has been completed and the remaining time on the most recently paid invoice has passed.
Cloud storage: When data is stored digitally via a second-party online storage provider (e.g., Google Drive).
Company account: The collective of users within a company, where billing is charged (e.g., Dan is a user in the Profit Builders company).
Contact: Refers to a person or organisation in Pipedrive.
Conversion reports: Insights used to show the rate of clients transitioning from one status to another. Includes deal, lead, and campaign conversion reports.
Credit: Units used to denote purchases made for tools like Caller and Prospector. One credit equals one specific thing you get for it, however, the monetary price of a credit may vary. Credits may have an expiration/renewal logic (e.g., you will use up one Prospector lead credit to add one lead via Prospector).
CRM: Stands for “Customer Relationship Management.”
Custom Field: A field created in Pipedrive outside of preexisting default fields, which can be used for adding and tracking data. There are a variety of custom field types that can be used, and if you’re on a Professional or Enterprise plan, these custom fields can be used for reporting.
Data field: Refers to both default fields and custom fields in Pipedrive. In most cases, you can refer to data fields as just “fields.”
Data migration: The movement of data into a new database without a continual sync (i.e., spreadsheet imports).
Deal: In Pipedrive, the ongoing transaction you are pursuing with a person or organisation is tracked as a deal, which is processed through the stages of your pipeline until it is either WON or LOST.
Default field: Built-in fields in your Pipedrive account used for basic customer information like Name, Email, or Phone number.
Direct cost: Within the scope of the Products feature, direct cost refers to the price of developing or producing the registered product in question.
Done: Indicates that an activity has been completed. It's one of two possible statuses for an activity, the other being "to-do."
Draft: Can refer to:
- Smart Docs: Any document created and tracked through the Smart Docs add-on that has not been shared with additional users yet.
- Email: An email that already has some content in it but hasn’t been sent.
- Campaigns app: A campaign’s status after it’s been created but not sent out yet.
Envelope: Used in the Docusign integration and is the container of documents that are sent to the signer for signing.
eSignature: An electronic signature attached to a Smart Docs sales document, verified via an email control code. Its validity is defined through the Pipedrive eSignature Terms of Service.
Export: Copying data out of your Pipedrive account (either into a spreadsheet or another program like Mailchimp).
Field: See Data field.
File Format: Specific file format, based on file extension (e.g., GIF, MP3, ZIP, CSV).
File type: Purpose of the file, which is usually a group of various file formats (i.e., images, audio, compression, database).
Formula fields: Add-ons to numerical or monetary fields that allow basic calculations to be performed automatically.
Frequency limit: Limitations on the number of times any automation may run within a predetermined time frame.
Future: Used to categorise activities that have their set dates at any time in the future.
Group email: An email message sent to multiple email addresses simultaneously. Pipedrive will apply a small delay between each message to prevent errors and abuse.
Guest: See Attendee.
HAR file: The HTTP Archive format, or HAR, is a file that tracks all interactions between a web browser and a website.
Help Center: Webpage containing links for our Academy, Community, and Knowledge Base.
Important fields: Fields given additional attention and brought into focus for the user. Important fields are intended to be filled as a higher priority but are not required unless specified. Both default and custom fields can be marked as important.
Invalid: Used to indicate a file or another item is somehow broken or incorrect (e.g., a password may be invalid, an uploaded file may be unusable because it’s invalid).
Invite: An email sent to a prospective user's email address, offering them a seat to occupy in a Pipedrive account.
Knowledge Base: The place where we keep all our help articles, belonging under the Help Center umbrella.
Label: Predefined and customisable tags that can be attached to various Pipedrive items (leads, deals, contacts, projects) either manually or automatically. Labels allow for quick visual and textual recognition of item status or type and also allow for better sorting.
Limit: The maximum number of (countable) items you can have at once. Deleting items will give you more room until the limit.
Meeting: An activity type that the user can schedule using the activities feature. The meeting represents an actual, physical meeting between the user and their client.
Merge field: A merge field represents a default or custom field being used within a template setting. Inserting a merge field into a template allows the user to have the value from that field automatically populated based on context.
Messaging inbox: A section within the Leads Inbox where you can integrate messaging apps, like Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp by Twilio, to communicate with your customers and prospects directly from Pipedrive.
Notes: Text added to a detail view, which is presented toward the top for visibility purposes. Notes cannot be added via automation, however, they can be added in bulk via import.
Opt-in: In the Campaigns feature, it refers to the level of consent given by your campaign recipients. There are two types of opt-in:
- Single Opt-In: Campaign recipients who were manually given the "Subscribed" status.
- Double Opt-In: Recipients who received a confirmation email and clicked on the link to confirm a subscription. This status has two types: "Confirmed" and "Not Confirmed." A contact remains "Not Confirmed" until they receive an Opt-In email and confirm their consent to campaign emails.
Organisation: A contact that represents a real-life organisation or business. Can be used to link multiple people together under one shared organisation (see linking people and organisations).
Overdue: Used for activities that have their completion date set for any time in the past and which have not been marked as done yet. Deals with overdue activities will be sorted toward the top of the pipeline view.
Participants: Contact persons that can be manually added to deals, in addition to the dedicated linked contact person.
Payment schedule: Represents a set of payments, identifiable by specific dates or cycles. This is used within the scope of the product feature to set up a predefined payment schedule.
Permitted: When an email address falls within a list of approved IP addresses from which emails may be received through a provider (also called a whitelist). Email addresses can be permitted manually if emails being sent to or from you are being bounced due to security protocols.
Person: In Pipedrive terminology, this refers to a contact person, which is a registered set of data representing a human contact.
Placeholder: In the context of email templates and Smart Docs, a placeholder represents the merge field as inserted into a template. The placeholders are shown in templates using their respective field names (e.g., [Person Name]), and when the document or email is sent, they are populated with the specific data (e.g., [John Doe]).
Plan: Refers to your subscription level. Our available plans are: Essential, Advanced, Professional, Power, and Enterprise.
Price variation: When toggled to active, price variation allows the addition of multiple price points for a registered product in the database. This is useful when operating with multiple currencies for the same product or variable price points.
Product code: Refers to the optional, user-specified code given to any product registered using the Products feature. It is used for sorting and database purposes but is not assigned automatically when a new product is created (though a system ID is).
Product duration: When toggled to active, product duration adds an extra field for all products. This field, titled “duration,” allows you to apply a time-based limitation to your products, useful for time-based services like rentals.
Projects: A tool that allows you to create initiatives for your won or open deals, independent of your existing pipelines. This feature is especially useful for extenuating tasks required for your deals outside of your main sales flow.
Quick help: Panel that opens in the app when the user clicks on the question mark in the upper right corner.
Quickbooks: One of the available integrations that can be used with our Invoicing tool.
Recurring payment: Refers to any payment that is intended to be repeated over a schedule (usually monthly or annually).
Related organisations: When two or more organisations are linked to one another.
Required field: A defined field attribute that marks either default or custom fields as required, meaning the field is not optional and must be given a value to store Pipedrive objects.
SaaS: Abbreviation for "software as a service."
Sales document: Any document generated and tracked within the Smart Docs feature.
Scheduled: This term is used within the context of activities for any activity assigned a completion date and time. It may also be used for emails or campaigns.
SEPA payments: SEPA, or Single Euro Payment Area, allows for cashless euro payments via credit card or direct deposit.
Single sign-on (SSO): An account with SSO enabled means you only have to create one set of logins for your users. You can set up an account for them in your system and they'll automatically have login credentials for Pipedrive.
Smart Docs: A feature that allows users to generate documents within their Pipedrive accounts, send documents for signing, and share templates with other users. The feature comes standard with Professional and Enterprise plans but can be purchased as an add-on for Essential and Advanced accounts.
Subtask: Created in Projects only, they are nested under tasks as a means of dividing tasks into smaller actions.
Task: Created in Projects only, they can be created to represent to-dos that don't require a due date or owner.
To-do: One of two possible statuses for an activity (the other being "Done"). This status means the activity has not yet been completed.
Two-factor authentication: See "2FA."
Unit: Within the scope of the Products feature, “unit” refers to the default unit of a registered product. The defined unit and unit price in combination form the basis of the value calculation when adding products to deals (e.g., 1 unit at $5 each means adding one unit of the product to a deal gives the deal a value of $5).
Unit price: Within the scope of the Products feature, the unit price refers to the exact price of each sold unit.
Usage limits: Limits on the number of open deals, custom fields, and Insights reports a user may create. Limits are based on your existing plan.
User account: A user account is where an individual user logs in and performs tasks (e.g., Dan is a user in the Profit Builders company).
Zapier: One of the many services we offer integrations with, Zapier can be used to automate processes and actions between Pipedrive and other services or tools.
This glossary should help clarify any terms you encounter while using Pipedrive. For further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team.