The Smart Docs feature is included in the Professional, Power, and Enterprise plans and is available for the Essential and Advanced plans as an add-on.
Our Smart Docs feature helps you create proposals or quotes directly from the deal or contact detail view. Understanding how fields and templates work will help you save even more time in your negotiation process.
Supported Fields
Pipedrive fields are separated into two categories in each tab – default and custom fields.
To add Pipedrive fields to your template, copy and paste the field from the right-hand side of your template editor into the template body.
The field will show in brackets “[ ]” in the template and automatically replace the deal data when the template is used for a document.
Address Fields and Sub-fields
You can use placeholders for address subfields if the field is a default address field (person or organisation). Custom address fields won’t enable placeholders for subfields.
You can add an organisation’s or contact’s default address to your templates and documents or split it up to add only the specific address lines you need.
The address must be geo-coded and recognised by Google Maps. Learn more about address fields in this article.
Product Fields and Tables
Product fields only work with templates if they exist in a product table. First, copy and paste the table into your template body to add the product table. The table will auto-populate with a set of default product fields, but you can customise them to your preferences.
While you can add columns to a product table, you can’t add rows. The product table is generated automatically depending on the number of products linked to a deal and creation time. If you manually add a row to the table in the template, it will disrupt the process and prevent you from generating a document from it.
Due to the file type, product tables work differently in Spreadsheets and Slides. Learn more about product tables in this article.
Templates and Documents
You can create a template before creating documents and proposals for your deals or contacts. We recommend creating a template first, allowing you to save time on future documents. You’ll find both options under the Documents section in the detail view.
Templates are not linked to specific deals or contacts. Therefore, all fields you add to a template are always visible.
When generating and editing a document linked to a deal, you’ll only see fields that include data for that specific deal. If no information for a field in your document exists, the specific field won’t be available when editing the document.
To create a document with deal-specific fields, create it from within the deal’s detail view. To create a document with person-specific fields, create it from the deal detail or person contact’s detail view.
Template Naming
When you create a new template, the system’s first suggestion is to add a title. The title will appear as ready to edit. Any changes to the template are automatically saved.
When generating a document from a template, the document title won’t include the template name and instead will have the deal title, date, and time it was generated.
To keep your documents organised within the deal, you can add Pipedrive fields to the template title (e.g., deal title). When generating a document from a template with Pipedrive fields in the title, the original template title and Pipedrive fields will be saved.
Template and Document Categories
To help organise your documents and templates, you can divide them into categories. Choose from the existing:
- Quotes
- Proposals
- Contracts
- Or create a custom category
Clear Unpopulated Document Fields
This action is only available to users with account settings access.
If you create a document from a template and a deal or contact is missing any fields, the field name placeholder will remain in the document.
To change this setting, go to Tools and Apps > Documents > Company settings and scroll down to find the relevant option.
Once this option is enabled, if a field is missing information in the deal or contact, it will appear blank when a document is created from a template.
This is a company setting and changes will be applied to all users.