Flowbird CRM Insights

Boost Pipedrive Sales with ActiveDEMAND Marketing Automation.

Written by Jason Rainbird | 21-Feb-2023 14:00:00

Integrate ActiveDEMAND and Pipedrive with Flowbird Ltd's support and boost your marketing and sales performances.

ActiveDEMAND - the perfect automated platform for Pipedrive

Success in turning marketing into purchases is created when customer behaviour is automatically tracked and analysed. This is done by integrating marketing automation into your CRM. Do this by using ActiveDEMAND alongside Pipedrive. This alignment of your marketing and sales platforms optimises customer relationships and loyalty while boosting your sales.

What is Pipedrive?

Pipedrive is a CRM tool designed to manage the intricacies of email integration and customer contact tracking while automating repetitive tasks. It provides an overview of the sales process from start to finish, allowing your salespeople to focus on the actual closing of deals. Pipedrive also impacts marketing, especially when partnered with a marketing automation platform such as ActiveDEMAND.

An Introduction to ActiveDEMAND

ActiveDEMAND is a marketing automation platform that seamlessly brings online marketing tools together. Whatever your company's size and your team's experience, this flexible automation app helps you set up, manage and follow through on marketing campaigns. You'll always have a clear overview of leads, contacts and conversions. You'll get to know your customers, be able to meet their needs and solve their pain points. All factors in creating loyalty and repeat business. Let's take a closer look at just some of the things ActiveDEMAND can offer.

  • Generating and automating leads: A full suite of lead generation tools ensures a personalised customer experience. Reports keep you on top of what's working, enabling you to improve productivity. Once a lead is generated, it is automatically moved through your funnel, tracking it every step of the way until a deal is closed.
  • Call tracking and campaign insights: Always know which ads, campaigns and keywords are working. Calls are automatically scheduled, recorded, redirected and followed up as necessary. You can even be prompted to call when your prospective customers are online.
  • Email marketing: Email campaigns are easy to set up using a variety of templates and editing tools. Their success is monitored through automatic A/B testing so your campaigns can be fine-tuned.
  • Social media marketing: There is seamless integration with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and more, helping you to manage an active social presence via one platform. Posts are tracked and reported on from their first appearance through to the leads and conversions they create
  • Managing sales appointments: Once a lead is generated, it is moved through the Pipedrive funnel, with each team member being fully aware of what is happening. Appointment links are fed to their calendar while these meetings' availability, length and spacing can be fully controlled.
  • Template creation: Unlimited dashboards and templates can be created and shared with co-workers and customers. This saves repetitive work and staffing costs.
  • Valuable information at your fingertips: You'll know as soon as a prospect opens your email, visits your website, clicks on a link, fills out a form or downloads a brochure or other information. You'll be ready to act on prospective leads as soon as they happen. 

When you automate your marketing with ActiveDEMAND, Pipedrive becomes an even more effective CRM tool. You'll turn more leads into conversions while saving time, money and staff resources.

At Flowbird Ltd, we're ready to help you achieve this.