Flowbird CRM Insights

3 Faux Pas That Are Okay to Make with Your Inbound Marketing

Written by Jason Rainbird | 19-Apr-2017 21:13:00

Inbound Marketing Faux Pas

Gone are the days when aggressive marketing approaches were considered the best. Now, non-interruptive yet powerful marketing strategies are the order of the day.

Distributing engaging content about your product naturally attracts interested people - and this is precisely what inbound marketing is. Since people genuinely interested in your content are visiting your website, they are more likely to become leads and prospective customers.

As this innovative strategy grows, many marketers have differing opinions on the dos and don’ts of inbound marketing. With so many rules, sticking to inbound marketing etiquette seems more difficult.

The good news is that while there are some basic ground rules, some of the most commonly regarded inbound marketing faux pas are not faux pas at all. Not only would we say these faux pas are okay to make, but we may also actively encourage them.

Faux Pas That You Are Allowed To Make In Inbound Marketing

Not being everywhere at once

Traditional marketing techniques dictate that to generate leads, your company needs to be everywhere all at once. Many online avenues connect you to your customers, from social media sites and chat forums to your own blog.  Not using all of them to your advantage is generally considered a huge inbound marketing mistake.

However, this is not always true. Sure, having a wide online presence is great, but you must also be realistic about your resources and capabilities. Trying to grow your online presence when you don’t have the resources to do so will only degrade the quality of your content.

You would be much better off prioritising and allocating your resources. For instance, you might want to focus on creating a fantastic blog before diving headfirst into social marketing. It may feel like you’re missing a trick, but you can grow your social media presence with the necessary resources.

This tactic allows you to gradually dedicate the time and resources to grow a high-quality presence. You must learn to walk before you can run.

Not jumping on the trending bandwagon.

Inbound marketing is incredibly dynamic, and new ways of connecting with customers materialise daily. A new site may become very popular with other companies, and you might choose not to join it. This may be seen by many as a mistake.

However, not jumping on the bandwagon may be better for your company in the long run. What works for many companies might not work for yours. Depending on your industry and target audience, your company may not be suited to all the other companies' channels.

Do your research to determine if the latest platform could give you the boost you want. If you decide to invest resources in a new channel, start with a small budget to test the waters before going full steam ahead.

Not putting all your efforts into inbound.

With inbound marketing strategies fetching promising results, still using traditional approaches might seem like a mistake. However, you are the best judge of what works for your company.

Whilst effective, inbound marketing is not the be-all and end-all. Let the numbers speak for you: if a traditional approach has worked well for you, do not give it up by default because it isn’t the ‘newest’ technique. What works, whether it’s an old method or not?

At Flowbird, the best approach is to design a marketing strategy that combines inbound and traditional methods. The two approaches complement each other and enable you to attract a wide range of customers.

Contact us today for expert advice on how inbound marketing can work for your company.