4 Best Blogs About Customer Management

best blogs about customer management Whether you’re working with CRM, e-commerce, accounting or ERP packages, staying updated with the latest trends and developments is paramount. Having a firm grasp of the industry’s critical issues is also vital.

Subscribing to a blog is an excellent way of keeping yourself current. However, with so many blogs out there, finding the ones genuinely worth following is often a time-consuming case of trial and error.

Below, we share what we believe to be the best blogs about customer management. These bloggers post consistently, know their subject, and write passionately.

Here are the five best blogs about customer management

Paul Greenberg

Long-time CRM stalwart Greenberg does a beautiful job of keeping his readers up to date with a sharp but entertaining analysis of the CRM industry.

Until recently, his best work could be found on his site, Pgreenblog, but this is no longer being updated. Instead, Greenberg now posts regularly on the ZDNet-based Social CRM: The Conversation blog.

You should not miss this blog featuring an annual Watchlist and popular showcase for smaller companies.

Denis Pombriant/Beagle Research

Denis Pombriant is one of the most prolific bloggers in the CRM arena. He posts on the Beagle Research Group website and guests on numerous other sites.

He is the perfect source of information for those looking to have everything CRM-related broken down into easy-to-digest charts and numbers.

A long-time advocate of the benefits of cloud computing, Pombriant provides in-depth coverage of all the significant issues and vendors in the field. He is excellent at Salesforce.


If you’re looking for information that is both comprehensive and independent, the CRMSearch blog may well be the only one you need.

Never afraid to highlight the shortcomings of leading vendors, this site is rich with comments, insight and analysis. You’ll find up-to-date information on everything from improvement and implementation to software selection and shared experiences.

Seasoned CRM veterans will probably benefit the most, but the site still offers newcomers plenty.

Richard Boardman

As an active CRM implementer, Boardman is exceptionally well-placed to spot incoming trends just before they take off. It makes his blog essential reading if you want to be on the cutting edge of the latest developments.

The archives contain a large number of ‘how-to’ articles. These are of particular benefit if you are starting. The emphasis here is on practicality and real-world experience rather than speculation or opinion, which can easily be misguided.

At Flowbird, we believe staying up-to-date with industry trends is essential. We think the above sites are the best blogs about customer management, but let us know if you can recommend any others!

For more information on customer management, please speak to us today.

Jason Rainbird

Jason Rainbird

Jason formed Flowbird Ltd in 2013 to build a CRM agency to support clients in their desire to manage their customer relationships properly.


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