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Making CRM Work

Leading UK businesses share their thoughts on customer relationship management in an interview series and provide insights into how technology can be a friend or foe in creating, building, and sustaining customer relationships.

“You need to make people who aren’t your customers wish they were.” Gary Vaynerchuk, author of The Thank You Economy makes an interesting point.

Service, in short, is not about what a company does, but who they are. It’s a reflection of the company’s personality.

A price advantage can be copied, but a strong customer service culture can’t be easily duplicated.

Customer service is the one asset that the competition cannot undersell. It’s the key differentiator in an age where ‘digital’ can easily result in a race to the bottom based on price.  

In a report commissioned by Flowbird, business owners and directors from across generations and market sectors share their thoughts on customer relationship management and provide their insight into how technology can be a friend or foe in creating, building, and sustaining customer relationships.

Their views will form a series of papers leading up to the preparation of a digital book.

Meanwhile, the latest thought-provoking interview to be included in the book will be available here for you to download.

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An interview with Michael Pay

Co-Founder EMC Management Consultants

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An interview with Mark Wilson

Marketing Director, Global Travel Management

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An interview with Laurence Pipkin

Managing Direction Temple Legal Protection

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An interview with Nick Clark

Director, Frasers Office Innovation

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An interview with Claire Burroughs

Managing Director, Ansacom

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An interview with Amanda Barnes

Chief Executive, Faversham House

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An interview with Steve Hodges

Chief Executive, Astro Technology Group

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An interview with Tom Hall

Managing Director, Alitex

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An interview with Mark Berriman

Managing Director, Green Team Interiors

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An interview with Lewis Mansell

Managing Director, Mansell Recruitment Group

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An interview with Richard Hall

Partner, Polestar Corporate Finance

DECISION Issue June24 (1)-1

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DECISION magazine captures the dreams and ambitions, the challenges and struggles faced by business owners and leaders, alongside their personal life beyond the office. Check out the latest digital issue below which includes one of our interviews featured above.