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A Guide to remote working in 2020

2020 has seen unprecedented numbers of employees working from home due to the coronavirus pandemic. Businesses across the UK have been forced to adapt to strict social distancing regulations introduced to help halt the spread of the virus. It has led many companies and their employees to work remotely for the first time. Remote work can present some challenges, but it can also be an excellent opportunity for companies to boost productivity and lower their business expenses. With this in mind, here is a helpful guide to remote working in 2020:

Creating a productive home office

The first step to working effectively from home is to create a productive workspace that will allow you to complete your work tasks efficiently. Ideally, this should be in a separate area of your home, such as an office or a spare room. A distinct workspace will help you maintain a separation between work and family life. Choose a quiet working area free from distractions such as televisions, family members, and social media. Avoid the temptation to look at your mobile phone during work by switching it off or out of sight. It is also essential that your home office is equipped with all the equipment and tools you will need to complete your daily work tasks. It should include a comfortable chair and a desk, a laptop or computer monitor, a telephone, and stationery. You must also ensure that you have access to a reliable internet connection. According to experts at Broadband and Phones – “Modern businesses are becoming increasingly dependent on their connectivity to support every aspect of their day-to-day activity.” Therefore, it is worth investing in quality, high-speed broadband that will meet your current and future needs, especially if you plan on working remotely.

Setting work boundaries

One of the main advantages of working from home is that it gives you more freedom and flexibility regarding your work hours. However, it is essential that you get organised and set clear work boundaries for yourself. Make sure you follow a consistent work schedule and start /finish work simultaneously each day. It will help you maintain a healthy work-life balance and create a separation between work and family time. Taking regular breaks throughout the day is essential to allow yourself time to relax and recharge. Experts recommend taking a break every 50-90 minutes to remain productive while working.

Communicating with your team

Modern businesses have a fantastic selection of technology to help them stay connected with remote workers. For instance, companies can use telecommunications apps like Skype to communicate with their teams and host virtual meetings. Remote teams can also use synchronous tools such as Google Docs and Dropbox to collaborate on projects and work on tasks simultaneously from anywhere. Some other benefits of using business Skype include reduced costs, lower carbon emissions, and increased revenue and business opportunities. Managers should make an effort to check in with remote workers regularly and offer support in any way they can.

Taking care of your health and wellbeing

Many people have found the lockdown period difficult, particularly those living alone and isolated from family and friends. Working from home can also be challenging for people who enjoy working in a busy office environment and having daily support from managers and colleagues. With this in mind, taking care of your health and well-being is more important than ever. Make an effort to stay healthy by maintaining a nutritious diet, getting enough sleep, and following an exercise routine: practice self-care and schedule time to relax and focus on your emotional well-being. It would help if you connected with your family and friends using Whatsapp and Facebook Messenger. Your loved ones can provide a valuable support network when you feel down or struggle emotionally. Many articles and resources offer advice on how to stay healthy during the lockdown.

Final thoughts

Remote working offers many potential benefits, including lower business overheads and higher employee engagement. That being said, it can also present various challenges. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to maximise results while working from home. Use the above suggestions to help ensure that your team can work efficiently and productively during the pandemic and beyond.

Ruby Clarkson

Writer, editor, animal lover and coffee enthusiast ️

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