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How Will A CRM System Help Your Business?

Are you interested in how a CRM system will help your business? Then you’ve come to the right place!5-reason-why-your-sales-people-wont-use-a-crm-1

CRM (customer relationship management) software is essential for growing businesses. A CRM offers contact management, opportunity management, dashboard analytics and marketing automation; a CRM system unites many of the critical aspects of your business.

It’s a single platform to store and manage your contacts’ data throughout the customer lifecycle. This article explores how a CRM system will help your business.

How a CRM System Will Help Your Business - capitalise on the best leads.

Chasing prospects who aren’t right for your business is an uphill battle. CRM systems record demographics, interactions and behaviours to determine which leads are worth pursuing. It gives your salespeople a head start and ensures their time is spent wisely.

Another problem many businesses encounter is losing leads throughout the sales cycle. A CRM system appropriately passes leads from sales to marketing, making you confident that all leads are correctly handled.

As a result, businesses with CRM systems often find their sales cycle times reduced and their close rates increased.

More success in sales

Salespeople often struggle with admin work, which takes up their time away from selling. CRM systems solve this problem by automating repetitive sales admin tasks.

In addition, CRM systems integrate your emails, calendar, and marketing within one platform and automate reminders for follow-ups and sales meetings. As a result, less time is spent on admin and more time is spent selling.

A detailed sales process and a plan are essential for sales success. With a CRM system, you can map your sales process for your salespeople. It gives them clear steps for moving prospects down the sales funnel. Having your salespeople use one consistent approach makes them more efficient and lets you discover what’s working and what’s not.

Your salespeople must be knowledgeable about every lead’s information, history, and progress. A CRM system gives your team complete visibility of this information. It gives them everything they need when closing deals and allows managers to track the progress of their teams and leads.

Your CRM system assists with everyday tasks and shows reports on your company’s sales activities. It helps you fine-tune your sales processes and ensure that your strategies work.

Build better relationships with your prospects and customers

Prospects and customers like to feel understood. A CRM system tracks your contacts’ patterns, behaviours, and preferences, enabling you to give them what they’re looking for. You can tailor your sales techniques, marketing activities and more.

Building better customer relationships can also increase customer retention rates. A CRM system lets you do this by maintaining communication with customers and delivering valuable and relevant content.

With access to customer information such as purchase histories, activities and behaviours, you can segment your contact lists, tailor your communications and thus build stronger relationships. Sending personalised deals and offers will make your customers feel valued and result in more up-sells and cross-sells.

Improve productivity

Work smarter, not harder.

A CRM system automates your repetitive tasks and keeps track of your sales, marketing, customers, notes and activities in one place, saving you a lot of time. The little snippets of time you can save by not having to keep switching between systems and apps add up!

Cloud-based CRM systems increase productivity even further. They improve communication between team members because everyone can access and share the information they need. A cloud-based system is also ideal for remote working.

Better customer service

Customer service can become disjointed when dealing with customers across multiple platforms, including emails, your website, phone calls and social media. The multi-channel integration with a CRM system makes communication more accessible and offers your contacts a more consistent experience.

A CRM system makes it easy for customers to raise issues, and with access to a database of comprehensive customer notes, it’s easy for you to resolve them.

Not only this, but your contacts will perceive you to provide better service when your communications are tailored to them. Segmentation and personalisation make it easy for you to do this.

In-depth business insights to help decision-making

CRM dashboards provide a wealth of data and analytics on your business. You can also view reports on your campaigns. This means you can make intelligent decisions on sales and marketing strategies and deal with issues quickly.

With a CRM system, you can gain insights across your business, including sales, marketing and retention. This data is easy to access and helps inform critical decisions.

You can also track the progress of your team and campaigns. This lets you see what’s working and what’s not and can inform changes that are needed.

Implementing a CRM system lets you bridge the gap between sales and marketing. With every lead accounted for and fruitful relationships growing across the customer lifecycle, you will experience endless benefits. Contact us today to find out more about CRM and working with Flowbird.

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CRM Guide For Accountancy Firms

Every business has clients to manage. Accountancy practices have lots and lots of them. Being a specialist in your area, you likely handle many contacts and hold essential data.

CRM guide for accountancy firms