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New Office, New Faces: The Flowbird team through the lens

We have been lucky enough that even throughout these unprecedented times, Flowbird has expanded! 2020 has been a roller-coaster for pretty much everyone; Covid-19 has affected pretty much all of us on a work and personal level. The lasting effect is a worry that certain echoes across all sectors.

Strengthening our team

The past few months have seen us move office and strengthen our team with new great faces. This has enabled us to increase our support offerings and knowledge base. Even with a break to work from home, we have skilled up our team, thanks to Zoom. I am sure many people agree Zoom has been an absolute godsend to keeping business going; it has also helped us maintain contact with our family and friends. The rise in demand for an online presence and automation has undoubtedly played a critical factor in this. It has been a busy and exciting time to help our clients achieve this. The pandemic has undoubtedly increased the demand for creative digital content.

In light of our expansion, we saw it as a great time to book in a photographer, Amy from Mooiefee Photography, and capture not only our nice new office space at Cobbs Wood House but also the faces behind the Flowbird team.

Why is Professional Imagery so Important to your Website?

Humans are visual creatures, and as much as we shy away from admitting it: appearance is vital. Headshots look professional, but they are crucial to creating that trust factor. Putting a face to a name helps build this trust factor that is important to most people. Team photos are also just as important; they help to create authenticity.

United Teams are where success is

We wanted to show off our company culture and fill our website with who we are. There has certainly been a boost in the expectation for companies to show off the faces of their teams, the days of a single look representing the brand are behind us and the recognition that united teams are where the success is at.

We can safely admit that it's not always the most comfortable of experiences; not all of us enjoy our photos. We kicked the day off with a witty comment from Jack (Technical Consultant) "You are five times less attractive than you think you are" an article she had read challenged the fact that most of us think that we are better than we are- and Science backs it up!

With that comment firmly in our minds, we all looked for guidance from Amy, and luckily she soon put us all at ease.

Creating the 'perfect' team shot

Many factors go into capturing that 'perfect' team shot and insight from the photographer is paramount to creating that.

"The Flowbird team were great to capture. They are a fantastic group of people who work together well and have a great team dynamic. Helping people feel relaxed is half the importance of creating great imagery for brands." Amy Kolsteren, Mooiefee Photography.

It was great to have Amy here, and we are excited to receive our photos; they will be on our updated website soon, watch this space.....

Want to chat with one of our team about your online content strategy?

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