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Where To Find Your Lost Leads

Leads play a vital role in marketing. But what happens when they lose interest? Is it worth the investment to find your lost leads and try to pick up where you left off with them?top-10-places-to-find-lost-leads

Reconnecting with lost leads can be more beneficial than generating new ones. Lost leads have shown interest in your business and may have been very close to converting.

In addition, you already have data on them. What made them interested in the first place? How did they find you initially? You should have enough information to best approach and re-engage them.

In your customer database

Retaining an existing customer is worth more than converting a new one. If you fail to follow up with customers after they purchase, they’ll quickly fall off your radar. Revisit your customer list and put re-engagement processes in place. Utilise up-sells, cross-sells, and loyalty schemes. Make your customers feel valued and make sure they know what else you can offer them.

Abandoned shopping baskets

If someone added something to their shopping basket, they were very close to purchasing. Don’t let these leads slip through your fingers!

When it comes to abandoned shopping baskets, the key is to act quickly. It’s no use following up on a prospect in a month.

Follow-up emails work well for abandoned shopping baskets. Consider drawing leads back in with a one-time offer and the item’s most compelling selling points.

New contacts from conferences and exhibitions

Networking is at the heart of conferences and exhibitions, but it’s too easy to forget to follow up on your new leads.

If someone’s given you their business card, they’ll expect to hear from you. Failure to do so will render your networking efforts futile.

Before attending networking events, decide how to follow up on new leads. Whether through an automated campaign or manually contacting them, make a plan and implement it.

Social media

Another place to find your lost leads is amongst your social media followers. Whilst these leads have shown interest in your business, you won’t benefit much unless you use the platforms correctly.

To be successful with social media, you need to aim for more than getting likes and followers. Whether your goal is subscribers, website visitors or conversions, social media can be a great tool.

To convert your leads and reach your goals, create social media campaigns to engage your followers. You could set up a campaign around a lead magnet, promotion or content.

Junk folders…

Sometimes, email service providers will filter emails into a contact’s junk folder, even if it’s something they genuinely want to receive. Whilst this problem seems out of your hands, there’s a lot you can do about it.

Avoid your emails being marked as spam by:

  • Keeping images and links to a minimum
  • Avoiding ‘spammy’ phrasing (such as gifts, over-exaggeration or money)
  • Steering clear of attachments
  • Keeping your sender rating high
  • Asking new subscribers to whitelist your email address

On the other hand, be sure to check your junk folder from time to time! You may well find your lost leads hiding there.

Some leads will slip through your fingers, some will change their minds, and others will never be suited. However, much of this can be minimised if you know where to find lost leads.

Other things to consider when it comes to keeping your leads engaged are re-engagement campaigns, using different social media platforms and experimenting with different CTAs. Every lead is different; some trial and error are required to find and nurture your lost leads.

At Flowbird, we know that leads should be valued. Efforts to find your lost leads will not go unrewarded. For more advice about lead nurture and customer growth, contact us today.

The endless quest for leads and conversions in digital marketing can be exhausting. You may even want to give up. We’re here to tell you not to give up – your leads may be hiding in plain sight. In this e-book, you’ll learn where to find lost leads, including: 

  • Past purchasers
  • In spam folders
  • Social media followers
  • In abandoned shopping carts
How to Finds Lost Leads