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A Step by Step Guide to Internet Marketing

internet marketing

You can use it for any company, product, service, or idea. What makes the Internet such a helpful platform, and how can you make the most of it?

We have put together some valuable tips and tricks to help you utilise the power of website marketing. Planning, developing, and handling with care are the three main steps to creating a successful web-based marketing campaign.


Planning is vital to any successful marketing campaign, and you must consider your project. Here are a few things to consider:

  • What does your project timeline look like?
  • What are you trying to achieve?
  • How do you want your project to be presented to the public?
  • How can you tailor your project to your target audience?
  • What is your budget, and how will you distribute it?

Planning can feel like a chore, and it can be tempting to skip this step. However, a comprehensive plan will act as the skeleton of your project and will allow everything to fall into place.


You’ve made all the difficult decisions, and you have a clear direction for your project. Now it’s execution time.

A website is often a potential customer's first impression of your company. Make that impression count by hiring professionals to create the most suitable website for your needs.

Many developers work with copywriters and content providers, so you can have everything done simultaneously. Let the professionals do what they do best, but ensure you’re getting your say where you need to.

Handle with Care

The way you handle your website is arguably more important than its creation. You need a good marketing strategy now that you’ve got a website. Research and use the best internet marketing techniques you can find.

Social Media

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest… the list goes on. These are free to use and have become essential parts of internet marketing.

Create profiles for the platforms that are best suited to your project. Make sure you keep your profiles updated with fresh and engaging content.

You can undertake a successful website marketing project using nothing more than social media in today’s digital world.

Facebook Ads

Facebook is making it easy for internet marketing strategists to achieve success. Create a campaign using Facebook ads to put your project in front of your potential customers.

We all spend time mindlessly scrolling through our Facebook feeds; use this to your advantage and create ads that stand out to the visitors you want to attract.

PPC, SEO and Affiliates

Pay-per-click (PPC) is a type of advertisement through which your pay increases with the number of times people click on the PPC links on your website. Alternatively, you can participate with your links and pay for other people’s websites to bring visitors to you. It’s a win-win situation.

Search engine optimisation (SEO) requires you to hone in on your keyword usage to bring more people from search engines to your website. The more often your keyword features in your website content, the more chance you will be found. But don’t overdo your keyword usage – this can backfire.

Affiliate marketing promotes your site through affiliate links and banners on others’ websites. It enables visitors to be referred to your site from other sites.

It can boost your visitor numbers and increase your site’s performance on search engines. The more your domain features around the internet, the broader its audience will reach.


Develop engaging content to be promoted on other websites to widen your reach. Regularly updating your website with blog posts is a low-cost way to draw in visitors via inbound marketing. Guest blogging can also be very beneficial. Invite guest bloggers to write blogs for your website to draw interest.

A good internet marketing strategy requires the correct execution of several components. Contact Flowbird today to learn how we can help you develop a foolproof strategy.

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